Values, Inc. A Must Read!

I was really looking forward to Dina Dwyer Owen's new book Values Inc. I know Dina personally and have done a fair amount of work with the Dwyer group. I been fortunate to see first-hand how they really live their values on a daily basis. What always struck me as unique was that every time there was a meeting of more three people, the code of values was reviewed. I have to admit, it was surprising to me that it wasn't perceived as a drudgery - people genuinely liked reviewing them. Virtually everyone had them memorized. As their consultant to the company they allowed me to participate in this process which I quite enjoyed.It's so nice to see a company that truly does live its values. What I really enjoyed about Dina’s book Value’s Inc is how she took the concept of values and showed them with real-life examples. You could see this abstract concept come alive and see them really work in real life. The concept of making values an important part of your business, I believe, is a really important lesson for all businesses. Taking the time to really think about what are your key values, what's so important to your company cannot be underestimated. I like to think of a value as something that is so important that you'd rather go out of business then violate it. Understanding what your values are is a good start, but living them is what makes a real difference. Values, Inc tells that story very well.I highly recommend everyone in business not only read Values, Inc. but also it incorporate the concepts into your businesses. Here's a link to buy a copy Values, Inc


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