14 Ways to Stay on Top of Developments in Your Industry

Have you ever said to yourself, "I am just too busy to keep an eye on every new development and trend in my industry."In my opinion, it is dangerous to think that way. Because while you are, there are many other people out there who are investing the time to keep current. If you don't too, you are ceding your competitive advantage in the marketplace.So my advice to you is, make the time to keep your perspective fresh . . . and refreshed. Here are some ways to do it that are so exciting and energizing that you will enjoy making them part of your professional life.

  1. Attend industry conferences to listen to, and connect with, keynote speakers and other experts
  2. Build a top executive team of people whose skills differ from your own
  3. Communicate with your customers, both established and new, to understand their needs
  4. Cultivate the habit of taking time to listen to people in your organization whose outlooks and areas of expertise are different from your own
  5. Identify blogs that inform and inspire you, subscribe to their feeds, and become a regular reader
  6. Invest in your own education through seminars about leadership, management, trends and other critical topics
  7. Join professional groups on LinkedIn and participate in discussions
  8. Keep the lines of communication open with former colleagues and peers, even those who have left your organization if appropriate
  9. Look for lessons in other industries that can help you in yours
  10. Network and talk to senior executives at other companies
  11. Read books that are forward-thinking, practical and motivational about leadership and your field
  12. Read industry publications that keep you keyed into important trends and technologies
  13. Study best practices in other companies in your industry too
  14. Study companies in other industries that are courting the same customers that you are, so you can learn lessons about marketing and other strategies that can help you compete for their dollars

Stay Curious, Agile and EnergizedIt's the key to leadership, company success, career satisfaction . . . and so much more. 


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