Quick Ways to Improve Communication

Recently, at the IFA Conference we had many franchisors stopping by to chat. Apparently, our booth backdrop spoke to them, perhaps because the word engagement could be heard loudly and often at the convention by speakers and attendees alike.img-improve-communitcaiton-ingageMany said, they wanted success to look like that… strong teams, reduced costs, happier franchisees, increased convention attendance, engaged franchisees.Many of the challenges franchisors face can be traced back to communication between franchisor and franchisee. And the frist step to improving your communication practices is by evaluating them:Do you have a good mix of communication channels?Are you giving them opportunities to not only interact with you, but with other franchisees?What are you doing to solicit input from your franchisees?You have to think about communications with your franchisees just like you would any business initiative… strategically. It’s about making sure your messages not only make it through the noise, but that your interactions with franchisees become more genuine and inclusive that you’ll start to see the level of engagement in the system improve.If you missed our booth at IFA, contact us, we’re here to help.


Fact or Opinion?


The secret to creating powerful communication within a franchise system revealed.